26 October, 2015

Silly Cellphone Games

Some games,
most of which I don't actually play...
Just a good stock image to portray
my topic of games.
The likes of which have you tapping away on your phone for hours. Well, they get me hooked quite easily! I downloaded the Plants Vs. Zombies 2 and Nimble Quest android games (among others) that are so much fun! Maybe even TOO much fun D: Oh, and I got Alchemy which is ridiculously entertaining for such a simple game. You put elements together (starting with Earth, Water, Air and Fire) to create all the wonders of the universe from life, to planets, and even movies! Much fun can be had from this silly game. My friend and I have made around 300 of the 390 items available in this game, sharing our discoveries so that we can win faster! Teamwork B)


What super-power would you have if you could choose one? I'd like to be able to calm people down and make them tranquilly happy with only the sound of my voice. That would be a great power! No conflicts or concerns, just blissful happiness... I hate fights. If I could avoid every single one I probably would, though that's not possible in this world we live in. If you interact with people there will be conflicts! Full-stop! Period! END! OF! SENTENCE!

As humans, we need others in our life (to hold onto our sanity obviously, solitude is completely maddening!). However, to completely understand another human is a near impossible feat. People always have conflicting ideas and ideals, and if you were to find somebody that thought in exactly the same way as you do, you would probably get bored of them. If you really want to talk to yourself then do that. But if you want to have a real conversation then talk to another person. If you are able to have a real conversation with yourself, I suggest you keep that to yourself... People that think like you do are too often mis-understood and locked up in a small room with a hug jacket on :(
"It's a perfect fit! You look all the rage, darl"
A poem for my pretties:
I love my jacket, need my jacket, hug my jacket daily.
I share my jacket with myself and sometimes I'm a lady.
They say my friends inside my head are all a little crazy.
My jacket says that I'm the best, it keeps nice and cozy.

Stay sane my readers
Yours in writing


  1. Hmmm...
    There's lots of cool super powers that you could choose.
    personally id like to be able to freeze time
