23 December, 2015

Mr. Immortal's grand entrance

Chapter 1: The non-transferable super-power

FYI: Clicking on the picture makes it larger :P

Thank you for your patience my dear readers, at last I have finished my first comic strip! I would like to thank my brain for thinking of it in the first place, and my handy hands for bringing it into this mortal plane. Oh, and my parents for keeping the electricity on :P Thanks to you two too! I shan't write much here because I made you a comic, so please feed me with compliments--- Ahem!... I mean, give me your honest feedback! Thank you kindly.

P.S. I will give you a proper Mr. Immortal logo later, don't rush me. Just let it happen at a work-able pace.

Yours in writing


  1. Awesome!!!!

    What happens if he meets Mr Death? (he says requesting an episode)
