28 September, 2015

The mysterious +1

It would appear that I have at least 1 die hard fan, clicking on the Google +1 button below each new post that I put up. Please kind sir or madam, make yourself known and comment below! I'd love to find out if you exist, even an anonymous message would be gratefully appreciated!

Button looks something like this!
If there is no person that is pressing that button, I may have to come to terms with my own insanity... Perhaps I log in anonymously and press that button, only to forget about it immediately. Or aliens do it just to mess with me? All I know is that whenever I put up a new post, it always has +1 straight off the bat! By the time I get to it on my blog it's got +1 :l Perhaps it is automatically generated? I don't know...

But if you are out there, please reach out to me! Or else I shall have to refer to you as... The Lone +1'er! Valiantly surfing the inter-webs in search of blog posts that require +1's. A hero in the night, protector of lonely blogs! Bloggers everywhere salute you!

Sometimes I go a little overboard...

I blow things out of proportion for absolutely no reason. I don't know why, it's just something I do time to time. There! I admitted it! Now leave me alone guys! Hm... Well I suppose they only mentioned it once... And it might have only been one person. But none-the-less you don't know me! You don't know nothin'!

Sorry... I'm pretty darn crazy... You'll get used to it. Time for a little rant! It sincerely irritates me to hear people complain about other people :/ So often the people doing the complaining don't know how difficult it can be to listen to them. Do they know what the person they're directing their anger at is going through? No. Do they THINK they know, and in so they stop caring about their limited knowledge on the matter? Damn right.

Because it's not his real name!
You don't know him! You don't know nothin'!... And yet they persist. There's one poor gentleman by my chosen pseudonym of Jacob that makes an appearance at our store almost daily. Sometimes he asks for R8 to buy a loaf of bread, and my boss reluctantly obliges him on occasion. He shares with us the information of which he finds note-worthy during his visits, often to do with sport, health or various current affairs. My friend (here-after referred to as Charles) often remarks on Jacob's previous job title as a lawyer and believes he should have money oozing out his ears. Right. Now Charles! You don't know his past, maaan! UGH. Anyway. Rant over.
Life lesson to take away from this?: "Don't judge lest ye be judged." - The Bible.

Have a lovely week after this morose Monday
RAAARW! (Dinosaur Ben says goodbye)