23 September, 2015

Ads! Ad why not?

Yay, give me money!
Nah, I don't have a cold, I'm just being 'punny'. So I enjoy writing on this blog of mine, and in doing so I get the feeling I'm giving it life. So I'm gonna add ads to it and hopefully earn a little income here. Why not? I hope they don't inconvenience you at all, I'll give it a test run and if it doesn't work out I'll change back. Any concerns from my valuable readers? I'm pretty much set on the idea though. So hey! I've received over 700 page views! Thanks guys, whomever reads this, you make this endeavor very exciting (especially the occasional new comment, I get really hyped! Truly, thanks guys!).

Now allow me to make a change of topic.


-My beautiful girlfriend (left)
-Her older sister (right)
She doesn't like her name, but I do. I think it's a wonderful name! She makes me so happy whenever I see her or hear her voice, Jess you're amazing! Now you're not hi-jacking my blog, I love you with all my heart so please don't be discouraged when I'm not writing about you!

Here is a quick question that I've pondered at times:
"Do I love you because you're beautiful,
Or are you beautiful because I love you?" - Oscar Hammerstein II

P.S. I don't know who the man is but I really like that quote so I stole it. Viciously and without mercy. So bad-ass... He may have the credit though! well done Mr. Hammerstein II.

My epic sister!

Drawn by the amazing,
the hairy! (Unless shaven) - Francois Swart

My sister, Caroline, is releasing a book! It'll be coming out on the 2nd of November and it's so exciting, I can't wait to own my copy! Her children's book is aptly named "Carrie the Limping Lion", and it explains the struggles that children suffering from arthritis face, just as she did when she was younger. You can pre-order it and read up on it on her blog page, Caroline's Content, so please do so if you're interested! If you're not interested, read it anyway and become interested.

A note of thanks:

Google, I would like to show my appreciation for the continued use of your fabulous search engine for my blogging endeavors. Without you, I wouldn't know of Oscar Hammerstein's quote. I wouldn't have pretty and funny pictures in my blog, and it would be so hard to use all the big words I use so frequently! I increase my vocabulary and spelling accuracy with each post :)

My friends, keep being bad-ass! Every day!

Yours in writing,
Mr. B.


  1. Now I have to comment. No comment.

  2. Ben! You're the best! Thank you for the exciting and interesting mention of my fascinating book. ;) Oh, and your girlfriend person is pretty. I look forward to meeting the Jess!
