22 September, 2015

Hair! An on-growing tail...

It is time for a haircut. Once again my luscious locks of splendiferous black-ish hair need trimming. They flow with such wonder and grace that it feels a shame to let them go. On the other hand, my head will literally become many grams lighter in the process. That's always nice, and it grows back so quickly too - I am bored of talking about hair!

By the way - I won the competition!

I do not yet know what I have won, but the important thing is that I have crushed the competition single-handedly with decisive skill and ambition - with Carlos' help. Woohoo! Thanks Mr. C to the A to the RLOS! They had this to say:
"Hahaha we love how you eat!!!!
Insert name here (Confidentiality and whatnot) will contact you for your prize

So that's exciting! My bosses want to put it on Twitter, in the news, it's pretty crazy... Publicity stunts and all that, I get it but damn... For everyone to see that picture is embarrassing! Hahahahaha :D


My comic book title
I am now a super hero, a frequent contact of mine at my current place of work-ery calls me Benjaman. My name is not in fact Benjaman, it is Benjamin. But I think I'm starting to like the idea. BenjaMAN, help us in our time of need! Indeed, it inspires me to do great things! Powerful and dangerous things! Like write up a post about my feelings on the matter. Right here. Hell yeah, I'm super-cool B)

Please share your own super-hero name with me in the comments, it can be a name that you think just suits you for midnight acts of manly/womanly bravery, or like me - a name of greatness that has been thrust upon you! (Even though you sign each and every Email with "Kind regards - Benjamin")

I look forward to seeing some fun and interesting heroic names :) don't be shy. Best name gets a cookie! (A virtual one. I'm just going to post a picture of a cookie with your name and/or super-hero name)

So long fair citizens
Benjaman! Away!!!!!


  1. Hmmm...It will have remain the tried and tested GRAMMY for me :-)!

  2. Nice superhero name Kathryn. Mine would probably be Wolf Girl. lol. Yeah I know its weird.

  3. You'll always be "Ben-jammin" to me...(to the tune of Bob Marley)
