09 December, 2015


What he said B)
That big "NO-NO!" in all of our lives. I think the word "Racism" is over-used, since it is simply an idea that's been given a word. A word of 6 letters that resembles so much hatred and bigotry. If everyone would just stop using it I'd be so happy. People are judging and excluding others that claim to be racist, because they judge and exclude people they're racist towards... I think it's gone too far for too long. We all bleed red and we all live only one life on this huge rock hurdling through space.

Facts of racism

  • Racism is judging people based on their skin colour.
  • Racism is the act of being biased specifically towards a person's race.
  • When hearing a racist remark, you often hear the words "Not to sound racist but..."
  • Saying "Not to sound racist but..." is racist no matter what it is followed by. For example:
"Not to sound racist but I don't trust that black-ish yellow person" - Racist
"Not to sound racist but that is a funny shaped sweet potato" - Racist
"Not to sound racist but would you please pass the salt" - Also Racist
"Not to sound racist but what's the answer to number 6?" - Possibly racist... If the question is "Name 3 states in America" or "What is Pi squared?" then they are both racist. Because you started with "Not to sound racist but..."

I would be lying if I said that I don't judge people on how they look. I'm no saint, if someone looks untrustworthy then I assume that they are untrustworthy. No matter how unfairly I'm judging them, I can't help it. I also don't trust people I can't smell. Strange right? Well I don't mean people that have no scent, I mean the ones I have to back away from. People I can't stand to smell. When the stench is great, I stand back. That goes for cigarette smells and the un-bathed masses, the smell drives me away, with the exception of my smoking family members. Even if you don't shower every day, I love you guys...

I judge you all -_- Daily!
So when it comes to my personal views, I don't think I'm a racist. I judge black, white, asian, coloured, blue, green people... I judge them all in the same way. If you look violent, un-kept or dodgy in any way then you will be judged negatively. And if you stink. I don't appreciate the stink... On the other hand - if you smell good, look washed, or carry yourself confidently, I will judge you positively and expect great things from you. I get judged quite often too, it's easy to tell when people are making judgements and it's human nature. By judging your surroundings you are able to better prepare for the worst, but for goodness sake please keep those judgements to yourself. Nobody wants to hear it. Judge in silence! Happy judging in this joyous season of merry-making my dear readers...

Yours in writing


  1. It is a huge issue all over the world.
    Every single generation is taught about the apartheid time period. I personally think that this may be making racism even worse instead of just educating people. Look around you. I mean some people can’t get jobs just because they are white or black or whatever. This makes it hard for people who are in the entertainment industry to get jobs in they are white. My mom is an actress and often complains about this. You have a point. It doesn’t matter who you are or how you are discriminated against, everyone hurts, bleeds and cries. It has gone on for probably centuries. It seriously needs to be stopped. Don’t worry. Its human nature for people to judge others. I don’t if I can help it but I judge if people have good personalities and are trustworthy.
    We love you too Ben!!!!
    Good post!
    I’m so proud of you.♥♥☺

  2. I forgot to mention that Disney is quite racist

  3. Jess is right. Disney is racist. We are all mildly racist in some way, and if we're aware, we can constantly get better at stopping ourselves from making snap judgements. Once again, you really made me laugh out loud. And think a little...
