25 September, 2015

The meaning of life, the universe and blog posts

Write a meaningful post? Sure I can do that!

Hm... What's happening here? Almost every time I try to write a meaningful post that will benefit all of mankind, I draw a blank. I have no idea if what I write is considered meaningful, what do other people find meaning in? As an individual reader, do I connect with you through my monologue every time? Do I give you the feeling that I know what I'm talking about? Do all my rhetorical questions lined up in a row like this confuse you? Don't answer that...
Am I right!? Such a pain when people do that, what's their problem?

Perhaps everything I write has meaning to somebody. If one person reads a post on my blog and feels they can relate, then that's enough to make it worth while. That's the thought that drives me on (well, there's that and my insatiable desires for fame and recognition). Positive feedback is so damn motivating! And all the page views I get are definitely positive. My day normally consists of me writing a blog post in the morning, spell-checking it a bunch of times, confirming that my grammar is correct, and then adjusting the format and layout until I am completely satisfied! It takes time, but when I'm done I post it and wait! - Yes, I also have a job, so I work on my blog in the little free moments that I can grab.

And then I wait. And wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait... For the view count updates, refreshing my web page every few seconds! And looking for new comments! I love comments so damn much! That would be my deep desire and overwhelming thirst for attention shining through. Hold up, I'm just gonna put a lid on it. *POP!

Agh man, the lid was not powerful enough to hold my ever-growing ego! It consumes me!... I REALLY need to exercise some constraint here. Or even just exercise. I am far too un-fit... Sorry, I've gone a little bit off track! What was I talking about? Oh yes! You! Only 2 days ago I was flabbergasted to find how many people read my blog, I had 126 page views over the course of the day, which made around 1/6th of my all-time views! Did I do something right? Did someone else do something right on my behalf? I guess I'll never know...

Anyways, that made me as happy as a kid in a candy shop! Without parental supervision!

Topic change

I change topics so often that I'm never sure where I started... And I love it! I can talk about whatever I please, nothing can stop me! Mwahahaha! Well- Actually, you probably could. If my random topic changes are irritating enough and people start to boycott my blog then I'd have to stop. Stop changing the topic at my every whim, stop writing my blog, stop breathing... It could put me into a dark place. I like this blog! And I like you <--- No, I'm not just saying that to keep you reading, perish the thought!

Abrupt ending, ACTIVATE!

Hehe, bye bye!

Yours truly
Mr Ben - (I'm just about out of fresh names to call myself)


  1. bunnies bro bunnies thats all i got bunnies

  2. Your thinking reminds me of the form of lightning called "sprites" ...bright flashes in the stratosphere :-)!

    1. Hahaha, thanks Grammy, that's probably what the signals in my brain look like!

    2. That's a great comparison!

  3. I think I know the source of your success... You are FUNNY, brother man!

  4. P.S. Enjoy the envy-building comments! :D
